As a team, we have compiled a list of the things that have affected our Robot Game consistency. We wanted to share our list with you here in hopes it will help your game:
- Bad setup (forgetting where to set up, not bracing against a wall or uneven robot design on the back)
- Slippery tires (thin or dirty tires)
- Accelerating too fast
- Stopping too fast
- Turning too fast
- Running into missions too hard and jarring robot
- Pushing against missions too long and spinning tires out of alignment
- Heavy attachments that cause our robot to lean
- Not testing our gyroscope for accurate turns
- Objects on table getting under tires (krill, coral, water sample)
- Narrow attachments that work inconsistently (Artificial habitat)
- Delicate or temperamental attachments (Sonar discovery)
- Missions that are too long or have too many turns
- Combining too many missions
- Starting positions that aren’t against a wall
- Code that depends upon delicate or precise movements
- Lack of testing our code
- Lack of practicing our setups
- Lack of timing our robot game
- Robot design that is imbalanced
- Not taking care of our robot (clean tires, keeping parts together, maintaining motors)
- Forgetting to reset attachments after each match
- Lack of testing our motors